Designed for jazz enthusiasts, this app amplifies the community by fostering a unique take and user experience on jazz exploration and discovery


3rd year, 2023

6 weeks


Tyler Lee

Jessen Lin

Aaron Ngoon

Kavin Sureshbabu

Hamza Shoukry

Eric Chen

My team and I were tasked to create a music app that appealed to the jazz listeners

Understanding Our People

Name: Bianca Watson

Age: 32

Occupation: Freelance Artist

Interests: reading, film, music production


Bianca is an outgoing individual who utilizes music as an outlet to explore her creative directions

  • Jazz is her way of therapy

  • Always involved with her community

  • Listens to music for inspiration

It’s the vibe that jazz gives off. The soul within the genre that only jazz can emulate.
— Bianca

Inspiration Board

What does jazz feel like?

Look like?

Remind you of?

Our Key Features

Through research, we decided to focus on four key features that jazz listeners would want out of their app:

  • live event feature

  • a music exploration page

  • a mood feature

  • sleep alarm/timer

Establishing the Structure

Afterwards, we created wireframes that would set the foundation for our app

Establishing the Visuals

Learned that a dark theme with subtle touches of pastel colors best depicted a sense of “jazz”

Elevating the Jazz Experience

Backed up by research on what our users want and an understanding of what “jazz” means, Jazzam is an app that further explores the genre that can be enjoyed by our niche targeted enthusiasts.

The final design refines our visual design prototypes and incorporates a seamless flow to enhance our user’s experiences with their music

Live Feature

Timer Feature

Mood Feature

Exploration Feature